Friday, November 19

Arteng Martial

I hanged out with an old buddy of mine and his friend, Francois and Antoine (pronounced as Franshwa and Antshwa, *names are intentionally misspelled and mispronounced on purpose, to protect the identities of the involved*). The plan was just to hang out. Drink some beers maybe, moke and some other typical hanging out activities.

But that was all after a delish eat at Pizza Hut with character who is making a second appearance on this blog named Marbhen and my ex-girlfriend ...uhm... let's call her Crystal. (This is of course to protect the identity of the involved. *hey, this line is getting cliche-er and cliche-er by the minute. To avoid making this line a cliche, from now on, names of the people who are appear on this blog, by default are murderized, misspelled and mispronounced. hell, some may be fictitious and imaginary with real names. i fear that people who appears on blog may lose self respect and may never find another job in this country for the reason of just appearing here. hmm.. that didn't make any sense but making sense is not the point of this blog. this blog is here for the sole purpose of being an online outlet for a mild mannered programmer and maybe provide fun, humor and happiness for other beings out there*) Anyway...

So there, I had dinner with my ex-girlfriend and another not-as-mild-mannered-as-i-am programmer. And why not? We are still friends, we still share some likes and dislikes, it was a mutual decision to meet and eat and maybe talk, but I will definitely not hold his hand and show public display of affection. so what's wrong with meeting another programmer?

Well, things are different when you and your girlfriend are now just 'friends.' assuming we follow the norms set by our society on how friends relate, there will be no physical intimacy (hand-holding, hugs, shouldering (ano ba english ng akbay?), topics to be discussed should not border around the breakup, both has to pretend that they've moved on, and so on and so forth. And with a reason known to a select few, the mild mannered programmer and crystal love team is an now an impossibility. I just hope there are alpha females that adore mild and mannered programmers like I pretend to be. So there!

So if you remember in the first paragraph, I hanged out the rest of the night. We had vitamin C inspired discussions on various martial arts. (Di kasi ako pwede ng alcohol due to the antibiotics I have to take due to my extracted impaktitong tooth. I remember the text msg I recieved from my dentist when I asked him if I can now take on san mig light:NO! you can't have alcohol since it will have an interaction with the antibiotic which will weaken your liver cells and the mitochondiria will break the wall and cause fusion and fission due to anearobic activity of the plankton like material. *Did that make sense? I just threw in words I can still recall from highschool biology* The point is, I can't have any. So the vitamin C fresh juice extract lead us to flavorful discussions of arnis, karate, capoeira, aikido and other arts. Well, I can't do any since I'm still waiting for my damned gum to heal. Capoeira really interests me though...

Kung umabot kayo sa kakabasa dito, hmm.. wala siguro kayo magawa. Pero para di naman masayang oras nyo, martial means - pertaining or relating to a profession in arms. So ayun, you've just grown a bit smarter if exert enough effort to remember that.

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Anonymous said...

hi this is your ever regular critic. i'm typing this slowly because i know you're now slow-reader due to forcible extraction of two vessels of wisdom, your third molars.

what a long and tedious read! are you trying to write a boring novel here?!!

franz said...

lang hiya, mga blog mo bai daming sinasabi, just get to the point... Ok m just an impatient blog-reader who ironically took time to read d whole bullsh@t blog.

franz said...

By d way I'm d Francois being referred to by ronaldo on 1st paragraph. what an alias!!!, at least he added 14.2857% of my name just to change it.