Before anything else, I would like to say sorry to the regular readers (imagined or otherwise but mostly imagined) for not updating this blog regularly. I have reasons! I actually had a life beyond computers. I went up Mount Apo during the holy week (expect a blog entry, and if my friend Jonas did not pull them out, you can find photos here), went to 'tourist' spots near davao with my officemates/superfriends, and I had a major transition from work to no work (Read: I resigned). I just realized it was the boredom from work which pushed me to write back then. Another realization: boredom from no work is pushing me now to write again. Realization 1 + realization 2 = conclusion. And the conclusion is that while boredome leads to nowhere, nowhere leads ronald to blog writing.
And since I disappointed my imaginary readers with the long absence, let me appoint (word treated as opposite of disappoint) you this time with the exciting middle part of my body massage trilogy. For the first time readers (dream on fool that people actually read this crap), I made a totally new way of seqencing stories. I advise you to read Part1, then Part3, then finally this entry. If Lucas did Starwars 4,5,6 then 1,2,3, I did mine with 1,3,2. Plus, the time this actually happened occured aeons ago. Which means, most parts of this entry are only imagined but due to memory interference of time, imagined events are actually believed by me to be as the actual experience.
After you have read Part1 then Part3, in that order, may I present, drum rolls please...
* * * *
We then entered the dimly-lighted place some may call a massage parlor, and we were greeted by a nice, old lady (I'm actually not sure if she's really old, could be just bad lighting and bad make-up but she's definitely nice). The lady handed us a list of services they offer. I nervously scanned the list expecting entries like 'hardcore sex with 2 females,' 'lesbian action,' 'self-service,' 'sex with animal of choice (depends on availability),' 'watch dog and donkey action,' and other not so moral services due to the bad rap massage parlor gets. As much as I would deny that I actually looked forward to such services, none of those kind were offered.
We, (Narven, Jonah and I) chose the whole body massage service with scented oil not asking if the presence of an underwear is important. One of us do not have one on, me. But we want massage now and we're getting it.
We were then led inside and saw beds lined up, 2 feet apart with curtains as dividers. The aroma in the air and the dim lights elude an aura of relaxation. We were given small towels and asked by our individual massuers to remove our clothing and accessories and lie face down on the beds. A restroom was available for the removal and clothes which I quickly went into. I removed the clothes I have on (only 2 pieces, my shirt and pants), and tightly, I repeat, tightly put the towel around my waist. Then i lied face down on the bed waiting for the massage experience.
I heard the staff door opened and saw my massuer walk towards me. Immediately, an interesting scent filled the air. A scent you know that's pheromonic in nature. The lack of light allowed me to see only her silhoutte. She was of ample proportions. Her hair short and flirtly curled around her ears. Her eyes shining in the dark short of telling me, be ready boy. Her hands slowly moved, arranging her nurse-like outfit to show less flesh. So white, so pure. Then she slowly unbuttoned her blouse on the pretense of the warm night. She only unbuttoned one, but that was enough to imagine what she's got there.
So what do you think? Do I show potential as a writer of imaginative erotic stories? Do I have enough raw talent to write for Xerex?
Let me continue with the real story right before we were randily interrupted by my overactive imagination, so there, three programmers lying face down with nothing on except the mandatory underwear and towel around the waist, on three adjacent beds, with three lady masseurs on their right side, carefully warming the oil with their hands. One programmer much closer to being naked.
This is it. I expected a warm hand to massage my back but the first physical sensation I felt was a forceful tugging off of the towel (I told you it was on real tight). And there's no stopping her.
She got it off.
Time stood still.
* * * *
I don't want to cut your reading pleasure short but I felt even a bit more creative (Read: Got tired) and decided that there will be a body massage story part 2.5.
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nice post men' nice pho2s but mejo blurd'.
ikit: hay nako! programmer ka nga! may versions 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and so on.... BITIN!!!!!!!!! (murag ko buang cge katawa sa office as i read ur blog!)
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