I re-found my diary ... urhm ... journal three days ago, not underneath a tree but in the space below my closet gathering dust. It's really an old notebook the size of a large she-wallet. I dunno what came to me that time, but 'twas suppose to be a dream diary ...urhm ... journal (diary are for girls, from now on and then on, it's a journal). The first entries were dated jan 05 '02 (I had more than one dream the first time I decided to journal them down). Entertaining actually, but being the creature of non-habit that I am, the journal slowly mutated and decided to be simultaneously a grocery list, assignment notebook, soccer attendance sheet, a to-dos list, and almost even toilet paper and sometimes a girly diary.
The unpretentious notebook, tattered and with peeling covers, chronicled almost significant moments from 2002 until 2004. Emotional fights with my S.O., material things I would like to possess at that time, ways I can get those material things at that time, things I would like to do to improve myself, notes to self, bits of reflection, they were there.
Reading them again is almost living at those moments especially those notes to self. Writing notes to self started when UP decided I was too good for them. And I could write long, detailed even, notes to self.
With the ~150 pages it has, I guesstimate that there are ~50 blank pages left. And I'm gonna write into it again. I guess writing on paper with a pen is different from typing from a keyboard to a white screen. And most entries on this tattered journal is not interesting for other people. This means I'd rather write it down than blog it.
I mumble.
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On a different topic, I recently found out about polyphasic sleeping. I think I'm gonna read more on this and then try it. Quite interesting if you ask me.
Here's how I will prepare: slowly try and be vegetarian or at least cut down big-time on meat, slowly wean myself off coffee(I don't drink a lot so I don't think it would be a problem), stop smoking (Again, I smoke very occasionaly and only when socially significant. Social significance of smoking is subject of an entire blog so I'll just leave the idea on your fertile minds), regularly wake up early.
That's about it for now. I hope this gets interesting enough for me to blog on this.
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I'm also thinking of switching blog service provider (if ever there is such a term as blog service provider). The idea of having categories for one's blog entries thrills me (talk about cheap thrills). Thanks for the idea marlon.
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