Friday, February 10

UP fair 2006

I'm remember saying to myself that I will regularly blog. Well, technically speaking, blogging once every two months still counts as regular.

I have nothing to say for now except that the day of sex ...ehrm... commercialized love is again, just days away. Yep, valentine's day.

I'm just glad that me and my significant other (S.O.) has transcended such commercialism and pressure to celebrate that day as the society expects couples to do (which is buy/give expensive gifts, eat at an expensive/romantic resto, and consummate earthly desires at home and/or at a seedy motel). A cup of coke may be less expensive than a glass of red wine. Graham crackers are not pasta. But conversations are always intimate regardless of place and food between two people fond of each other (I'm trying to avoid the cheesy and overused word love here). So dear S.O., this is not an excuse for not going out, to probably full restos, but a reminder that we're beyond that. So prepare yourself for coke and grahams at Aling Nene's Sarisari store on tuesday. (I hope it didn't come off as an obvious excuse for a totally unplanned 14. Ooops, it just did)

* * * *

UP fair is next week!

I've been to the Diliman fair from '98 until '00. On a totally unrelated issue (for now), I'm sure you know UP has been getting lots of freshmen students every year and not so lots of graduates every year. If this goes on every year, UP would be so full of students that the administration would be out of budget to give the so-called quality UP education.

That's where the UP fair comes in.

From what I remember, UP fair is celebrated the whole 2nd week of February. With different daily band lineups from the popular bands, rising bands and unheard of bands, with alcohol served at low prices, and with a cover charge of only ~50 (this was years ago, I heard it's around 85 this time), who would have the energy to go back to school after having fun nightly at fair? Incidentally, the school mandates that the 2nd sems midterms exams are scheduled on the same week.

See the logic so far? Irrestible, affordable, fun gimik at the same time as the exams means high rate of flunking students. Flunking students gets kicked off UP. Student body population shrinks to absorb next year's freshmen. Genius.

Call this a ridiculous conspiracy theory, but they got me this way.

This time, with my computer-genius certifacte a.k.a. diploma now present and safely tucked under my bed, nothing's gonna stop me from fairing every night. O wait, there's work. Naaah..

See you at the fair!

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